Parkinson’s Disease & Multiple Sclerosis


Discover how Parkinson’s / MS affects the body, an explanation of neurodegeneration and stages of the disease, how CBD & THC might help slow down the progression of the disease, and how to safely begin a treatment plan for each route of administration.

We provide starting dosing guidelines on CBD & ratio tinctures that are available in dispensaries along with dosing of edibles, patches, topicals, how to space from pharmaceuticals to reduce side effects and interactions, talking to your providers about using CBD & Cannabis medicines, and adding holistic medicine principles to heal naturally.

This program includes:

  • A 60+ minute recorded lecture on CBD/Cannabis Medicine & Parkinson’s/Multiple Sclerosis
  • A PDF of the slide deck along with all the references from the presentation
  • A digital guidebook for step by step implementation and safety best practices
  • Bonus videos on holistic health and wellness to boost whole person care
  • A forum to connect with others with this condition using CBD/Cannabis as Rx


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Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis & Cannabis

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