Psychedelic Program & Coaching Sessions


Root cause healing needs to go deep. Whether we’re guiding you to engage with your psyche or nourish your neurochemistry, nursing care is a fundamental step to success and safety.

Psychedelic Care is also Endocannabinoid System Care. Our expertly trained Nurses will help you prepare for your psychedelic experience with a ‘Pre & Post Toolkit & Plan’ so you can maximize the benefits and minimize the side effects from plant medicines.

We’ve been guiding people to optimize CBD & Cannabis Therapeutics for the past decade, adding Psychedelic Care is simply the next conversation for root healing.
People from all walks of life are finding and using psychedelic medicines. There are formal trials and a rich underground. Holistic Caring & The Green Nurse is here to orient people to find the benefits they seek, and to protect them against any harms.

Just trust, let go, be open.” The professor running clinical trials

“Cannabis saved my life, Psychedelics helped me truly live again.” Nurse

Psychedelic Program & Coaching Sessions

  • 2 visits. 1 Pre-use planning & 1 Post-use integration session
  • Psychedelics Program @ Holistic Caring Network (value $222)
  • Education, information & content to understand psychedelics
  • Instruction on CBD, Endocannabinoidome care, nourishing the body
  • Instruction on THC, minimizing side effects, maximizing desired effects
  • Instruction on set and setting and how to have a good trip
  • Integration care, journaling, tips for therapy, aftercare & coaching.
  • Coaching Services only (no program) = $222

****Holistic Caring & The Green Nurse do NOT carry any Psychedelic Products***

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