Happy July & Let Freedom Ring!

This July I treasure any sense of freedom I have. Liberty is challenged everywhere I look. As COVID-19 disrupts our sense of normalcy, self-care and self-direction become more important. Systems are stretched to capacity, and traditional thinking is questioned. Freedom over our body allows each of us to choose what kind of medicine we want, and how we want to care for our health. Freedom from Oxy, Xanax, SSRI’s, and freedom to move, breathe, and feel openly. Reframing opens new pathways in our mind and heart, guiding us to greater healing.

I’ve written for years about the endocannabinoid system, or ECS – the supercomputer regulatory compounds that keep us in balance…and how the ECS grows deficient due to aging, stress, diet, and toxins. Supplementing with plant compounds from cannabis can restore this system – and our health naturally. Learning how to safely use this supplement empowers us to heal ourselves, letting go of old illnesses, pharmaceuticals, and the idea that there is only one way of doing things. Californians have access to safe shopping options and can even be self-reliant and grow their own medicine. Our practice has become easier too with telemedicine visits and delivery for patients.
Our founding fathers were disrupters, and I proudly follow their lead by creating new programs to challenge the status quo. Patients and professionals deserve better options, and CBD & cannabis medicines are changing the treatment plans in America. Years of experience managing patients and educating providers has led me to connect the dots of a “Cannabis Health Ecosystem”to create systems with trust. Holistic Caring is disrupting and repairing both the medical cannabis markets and traditional healthcare one day at a time.

We are stoked to say Holistic Caring Cannabis Health Coach licensing programs have launched! Holistic, progressive healthcare professionals want to incorporate cannabis medicine into their practice and coach others privately. We’ve built a 30 unit comprehensive online curriculum providing the knowledge to proceed, followed by a business “Toolkit” to add the medical model to cannabis. Assessment forms, patient teaching, care plans, dosing guides, and presentations, along with a monthly mastermind to continuously grow and develop. In addition, licensees get to use our cool new logo once they become a “Holistic Caring Cannabis Health Coach”.

The curriculum stems from my book, “Cannabis for Health: Become a Coach” but adds depth and comes alive with quizzes, learning assignments, and private dialogue for members. Please explore the licensing package and forward to ideal candidates to begin a new path in their careers. This ancient plant is becoming modern medicine and can be guided and supported by the latest research to grow confident & competent providers of care.

Holistic Caring Cannabis Health Coach Program Link
The word “Coach” is intentional, like a guide to maximize improvement in the shortest period and focus on outcomes. I speak for myself and thousands I have helped gain results of better health, quality of life, and freedom. Reducing dependence on pharmaceuticals and treatments that don’t work is incredibly liberating. Join us today and celebrate freedom and empowerment with cannabis care options in the toolkit. God bless America & You!


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