
Autism Disorder is a spectrum disorder with a range of issues from mild to pervasive imbalance. Autism affects several physiologies, including the neurological, immune, digestive, emotional and behavioral, and endocrine systems. Because of the spectrum, families must make lifelong adjustments, staying flexible based on need and how the child develops.

Autism has both genetic and environmental causes that intertwine to affect many systems in the child’s body.

An estimated 1 in 44 American children are diagnosed with autism, and it is about four times more likely to occur in boys than girls.

Need Help Deciding which THC Product is right for you?

Chemotype I-II products are at available at dispensaries.

Our nurses are here to help you guide your product selections!

Autism & Epilepsy

Learn more with our self paced program:

Autism & Cannabis

Discover how Autism & Epilepsy might be treated by addressing the root cause in the neurological, immune, and endocrine systems.

These self-paced programs contain:

  • Presentation slides, additional videos and references
  • Downloadable Patient Teaching Guide to understand and apply the basics of using medical cannabis
  • Patient to Practitioner Letter to guide the conversation with your provider
  • Access to the Mastermind Community Forum to connect with your peers and journey forward in healing together


How Cannabis Can Help

Genetics and environmental issues play a pivotal role, but the exact cause is unknown. Anandamide deficiency may create imbalance at CB1 and erroneous signaling can lead to downstream effects that never get corrected. It is unclear how cannabinoids help, but CB1, CB2 activation as well as many other neurotransmitters and biomarkers are being studied.



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