Green Nurse Approved Products

Navigating Plant Medicine

Guiding you on your journey to wellness

People are making great medicine. People are selling these medicines. But no one is interpreting how to use these as medicine for patients. That’s what we do.

The first rule of medicine is do no harm. In an unregulated marketplace with limited knowledge and lots of opportunity there are bound to be bad actors. The FDA did spot checks and found only 30% of the CBD labels were accurate.

Having someone teach you how to discern quality is priceless.

Holistic hearing has taken on the duty to vet quality medicines because we care deeply about our clients health, safety, and goals to achieve optimal health and wellness. Good medicines work well, bad ones disappoint and might complicate plans.

Good Manufacturing Practices

Companies who are using Good Manufacturing Practices and comply with lab testing ensure safe dosing. Medicines must be tested for:
  • Potency – total milligrams can range from 300-3000. Gauge dosing by mgs/ml
  • Purity – must be free from pesticides, molds, heavy metals, contaminants
  • COA – the certificate of analysis with cannabinoid and terpene profiles
  • Organic Ingredients
  • Flower Derived

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