Take Action!

It’s political season, and hope runs high for change.
California NORML has published an election guide that I’d like to share with you:  https://www.canorml.org/california-cannabis-voter-guide-to-november-3-2020-election/   National coverage is at:  https://vote.norml.org/
Double check your registration!  https://norml.org/act/register-to-vote Cannabis is on the ballot in many ways so please support access of this Sacred Plant to all Americans.

Congress is poised to take up The MORE Act  in September which would remove Cannabis from the Controlled Substance Act and expunge criminal records for those arrested from our failed drug policy.  It will bring justice to communities most affected and equal opportunity in the Cannabis Industry through equity programs.  This critically important bill must pass the House, and then will arrive at the Senate, so please click here to email your representative  and add your voice to support this historic passage!

Why must we pass Cannabis laws and extend access to all Americans?  The endocannabinoid system, our  ECS  regulates our neurological, immune, and metabolic functions, improving our core health.  A stronger health status can bring happiness, productivity, and a better position to battle COVID-19 if we’re exposed.  Pre-existing conditions compound mortality rates.  Today, a whopping 90 million people, or 35% of Americans have pre-diabetes  which increases mortality from C-19. Regular Cannabis users had one third lower rates of obesity  and far less diabetes, providing more peace of mind as this fear and uncertainty continues to disrupt our daily lives.

Cannabis is Medicine, and Holistic Caring welcomes all to participate with 3 easy online courses. CBD & Cannabis Health Coach programs have expanded our offerings to include ;
·      Comprehensive course curriculum, a full toolkit, & annual renewable license to do business as a Holistic Caring Cannabis Health Coach
·      Comprehensive healthcare course curriculum, a mini toolkit, and resources you need for your practice
·      General educator course curriculum, with a full Primer E-book for all levels of learners
·      Cannabis for Health: Become a Coach book to self-study the basics
·      All provide the building blocks to understanding this industry from a medicinal viewpoint and capitalizing on the opportunity with this new knowledge.

We are growing our programs each month and adding depth to our commitment to provide all with the opportunity to heal and teach others the process.  Join us today and make a difference to someone tomorrow with cannabinoids, lifestyle medicine, and true health.
Check out our programs here!
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Stay safe, stay cool, stay well.  In health, Elisabeth Mack RN, BSN, MBA

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