Plant Power

REWARDED with a smile, a hug and a whole lot of love for assisting a new medical cannabis patient. Our GreenNurse™ shares about her patient who doesn’t know what it means to be high, but NOW knows what it feels like to feel good again.

“I witnessed with my own two eyes the transformative effects of medical cannabis on a patient today. I created a nursing care plan for her based on what she needed most, pain relief. She has never tried marijuana in her life, not one puff ever. She let me know that for the past 5 days she has been in an extremely bad pain flare, had not slept and felt anxious because of the adrenaline surging through her body. I could feel the anticipation and excitement as I taught, educated and brought her to the place of trying cannabis for the 1st time. I coached her through each step. She did the hands on of putting together the vaporizer pen and the cartridge. The teaching was complete and she was SOOO READY to take that first puff. Her eyes widened as she hit the vaporizer taking the smallest puff and allowing the vapor to fill her mouth. She didn’t inhale but she did get a sense of what it felt like, tasted like and smelled like. It all felt safe to her. She took her second puff and drew it in and exhaled smoothly. She looked at me anxiously, waiting, waiting … my eyes started to bug out because I was looking for some sort of reaction. We sat in silence waiting (I could hear a drum roll in my head) Within 5 minutes she said her headache was gone, and she smiled.

She started describing in detail minute by minute how that one puff of THC cannabis distillate started to work for her. She felt is start working immediately moving from her head all the way down to her feet. In 15 minutes she looked at me and welled up and started releasing tears of relief as her body softened and relaxed. Her words, “I cannot belief I have waited six years for this pain relief. It’s working! I can’t believe this is working. Thank You. Thank You!”

I stayed with her and she said that she didn’t know what it felt like to be high, but she now knows what it feels like to feel good again. I too started to well up. I have done and seen a lot in my 25 years of nursing AND I have never seen such a miraculous transformation of someone in severe pain have instantaneous pain relief.

Today was a great day to be a GreenNurse.”

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Happy Thanksgiving!

“People are Making Great Medicines, People are Selling Great Medicines, but no one is interpreting how to truly use Cannabis as Medicine.  That’s what we

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