The Green Nurse 4 U

The Green Nurse is on your side!!

Nurses are healthcare providers who strive to promote health, prevent illness and alleviate suffering. The fundamental principles of nursing are compassion and respect for the individual patient. A key role of the nurse is to act as a patient advocate. The nursing profession holds that health is a universal right, which includes access to health care and education concerning the prevention of health issues (ANA, 2015). ANA has supported providing safe access to therapeutic marijuana and related cannabinoids for over 20 years. In 1996, ANA’s Congress on Nursing Practice supported research and education for evidence-based therapeutic uses of marijuana and related cannabinoids. In addition, the ANA House of Delegates has gone on record as supporting nurses’ advocacy for patients using marijuana and other related cannabinoids for therapeutic use (ANA, 2003).

Nurse Practice Act – Nursing practice involves clinical decision making leading to the development and implementation of a strategy of care to accomplish defined goals. It shall include, but not be limited to the performance of services which promote and support optimal functioning across the life span; the collaboration with other members of the health team to achieve defined goals; health counseling and teaching; the provision of comfort measures; teaching and supervising others; and participation in research which contributes to the expansion of nursing knowledge. Each individual licensed to practice nursing in the commonwealth shall be directly accountable for safety of nursing care he delivers. The practice of registered nurses shall include, but not be limited to: (1) the application of nursing theory to the development, implementation, evaluation and modification of plans of nursing care for individuals, families and communities; (2) coordination and management of resources for care delivery; (3) management, direction and supervision of the practice of nursing, including the delegation of selected activities to unlicensed assistive personnel. MA Legislature

Nursing diagnosis differs from a medical diagnosis. A medical diagnosis refers to a disease process which is made by a physician and will be a condition that only a doctor can treat. In contrast, a nursing diagnosis describes a client’s physical, sociocultural, psychologic and spiritual response to an illness or potential health problem. For as long as a disease is present, the medical diagnosis never changes, but a nursing diagnosis evolves as the client’s response changes. The goal as established in a nursing care plan – in terms of observable client responses – is what the nurse hopes to achieve by implementing nursing orders. It is a desired outcome or change in a client’s condition.


The nursing care plan written by the GreenNurse is not intended to diagnose or treat a disease. The care plan lists recommendations based on the client’s already established documented medical diagnosis and reported associated symptoms. The nursing care plan is based on evidence based practice and anecdotal information provided by others who have benefited from the use of medicinal cannabis.

All content provided by Growth in Health and The GreenNurse is for general informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Growth in Health is not responsible or liable for any advice, course or treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain as a result of your consult.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information and products are intended to support general wellbeing and are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure any condition or disease. If conditions persist, please seek advice from your medical doctor.

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